In keeping with the kitchen edition this week, here's my quickie little Works-For-Me-Wednesday tip. When a recipe I'm using calls for honey or molasses, I spray a little food release in the measuring spoon or measuring cup before I pour in the sticky stuff. When I pour it back out of the cup it comes out so quickly and easily it usually comes out it one big glob. No more waste and no more "slow as molasses in January" for me. It's quick, it's simple, and it Works For Me. Check out other tips at
Rocks in My Dryer.
My other kitchen-related WFMW tips:
Precooking HamburgerCleaning out the Fridge
Never thought to do this. Thanks for the tip!
Great easy tip!
Have a great Wednesday.
Great tip! =)
What a great idea! Never thought to do that.
It's funny -- I know this tip, but always forget to use it! I could have done this just the other night when I measured out 2Tbs of honey for a salad dressing I was making, and got frustrated because I couldn't get all the honey to come out, and then it got stuck all over the spatual, and then I had strings of honey all over the place, including the counter, my recipe, etc. GAH!
Maybe I need a memory enhancer?!
What a great tip! I can't wait to bake something and try this one out.
Lol, very smart! Thanks. (I should have known this years ago...) :~)
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