Friday, March 10, 2006

Scaling back

I've given up the nursery ministry that I was coordinating at church. I'm totally swamped right now with all that's going on at my house. I felt like I wasn't really doing the job justice. I'm hoping that someone will step up and fill the gap. Part of me really hates to give it up.

These days I can't seem to shower and get dressed before 1 pm. Some days I haven't even gotten dressed. I have yet to have a day where I:
  1. shower AND dress
  2. eat breakfast AND lunch
  3. get the 2 y.o. down for a nap
  4. have school go smoothly
  5. do the dishes
  6. cook dinner (rather than order in)

Only about 3 or 4 of those EVER happen on the same day. It's wearing me down. I know it won't always be like this but...whew!... I think I've met my match. She is named JellyBean! Actually it's not really HER but the cumulative effect of all the kids. Really, I should say that things are already better than they were a few weeks ago. I went off a little while ago in the comments on a post on Sherry's blog (you can read it if you wish...she had VERY nice, encouraging words for me). Since that time I've noticed that things are better. A testament to the power of praying friends.

Back to the actual subject of this post. Like I said, in an effort to cut down on my responsibilities, I've given up the church nursery. I'm feeling guilty about that because that means that I'm currently not doing ANYTHING church-related. However, I still think that it's probably the right thing for right now. I'll get involved again later. That's o.k. right? I hope so.


Anonymous said...

I agree about getting all those things done. You forgot like, just general house cleaning!!

Cindee said...

The house cleaning doesn't get forgotten, it gets IGNORED! :-)

Anonymous said...

lol. i understand.

Anonymous said...

I definitely think it's a good decision. I think that God's main ministry for us is our family...and I think God is smiling for putting your kids priority.