Thursday, May 18, 2006

When your sister is 8 years older than you... find yourself dressed up in ways that produce blackmail pictures for the years to come.


Anonymous said...

That is soooo funny. What a pretty baby :) tee-hee-hee-hee.

Cindee said...

That is my son! I'm the oldest in my family so no one dressed me up funny except my mother and I think the funniest she got was to dress me up like a bunny for Halloween.

Susannah said...

This is so funny! It reminds me of the time my sister and I dressed my little brother up like a Christmas tree, a gazillion years ago. We still have the photo, and the memory is a favorite in the collective psyche of our family. Treasure this!

Lisa said...

okay, you deleted my comment-I'll try again.
poor bonusboy, at least ponygirl had fun? :)