Well, it's here, BooMama's Christmas Tour of Homes. Come in and I'll show you around a bit.
Welcome to my 1400+ s.f. home with 6 people wedged into it. Well, okay, one of the people is only 11 months old but we still feel a bit wedged!
This is the view from my front yard. I took the pictures at night so it's a little glowy/blurry.
(click on the pictures to see a larger view of them)

I'm including this picture of my reindeer (along with the half-lit, ugh!, tree) in order to report that the cute, little, baby reindeer was stolen a couple of nights ago. The kids were so bummed. I was too.

This cute welcome sign is across the living room from the front door.

Here's the view of the living room from the front door. Again, it's nighttime and I was trying for some nice ambiance. I think I just got blurry and glowy (or is that glowey?)

If you have toured several homes already, you may need to use the restroom. So, here ya go. My mom always put up Christmas lights in the bathroom so it doesn't seem right to me to leave mine unfestooned.

Okay. (Didja wash your hands?) Back to the living room to see the tree a little closer up. I bought a

Here's a close-up of an ornament that I made last week at a ladies night out with my daughters.

This is my nativity set. I love it. My sister, Junelle, got it for me. They are kids dressed up in costume. It's very cute.


Close-up of the Christmas village.

Last, but not least, don't forget to have a snack. Try out the candy-covered pretzels the kids and I made today. Careful, they're addictive!

Thanks for stopping by. I hope you enjoyed yourself. Be sure to check out the rest of the Christmas Tour Of Homes over at BooMama's.
12/15/06 (9;45 a.m.) Updated to add:
I just made some Old-Fashioned Blueberry Muffins and hot chocolate if anyone wants to have some!
Great House. I've been on this tour for awhile now, thank you so much for the bathroom break.
lovely home. I like the glowey lights! The bathroom lights crack me up! Love it. Merry Christmas and thanks for the tour.
We live in 1400 sq feet too, with 5 of us, 1 dog, 2 crabs so I kinda know how ya feel!!! You make it lovely though. I especially like your nativity scene. :)
LOL I love the bathroom!!! I really must go decorate now - all we've gotten decorated around here is the Christmas tree, yipes!
Thank you so much for the tour! Your home is beautiful. I love your decorations and the pretzels were yummy! Merry Christmas and happy New Year:)
great pics, i love it. i don't think i have time to do this.....but i would love too...
So far, yours was the first bathroom on the tour. I do believe there was a line forming at yours! :)
Your home is beautiful and so festive!
Merry Christmas!!
Thank you for the lovely tour! Merry Christmas!
I concur--you are the first I've seen to offer a restroom! I almost put my bathroom handtowel, but decided against it. :)
However, you make me wanna go get some lights to string around my bathroom. What a fun idea!!
Merry Christmas!!
Thanks for the tour, Cindee. I might be here for a while...chocolate covered pretzels are my favorite! Your tree is beautiful, by the way.
Okay...sending my address so you can ship me those pretzels.
Your house looks lovely!!!
I'm seeing so many blogs I've never visited! Stop by my place if you have time.
Mary, mom to many
So festive and pretty! Love the lights in the bathroom.
Merry Christmas!
The pretzels look awesome, I do want some! And I think the lights in your bathroom are SO fun.
Thanks for having us in.
Your home is beautiful. I love your decorations.
What a lovely decorated home you have! I love your nativity set best. I'm glad to hear that you got your daughter a Little People nativity set. She's going to love it!
Thanks for taking the time to stop by and see my 2006 Christmas Tour of Homes decorations! I do appreciate it!
Merry Christmas to you!
Love the glowy look. Sad about your deer.
I think the ambience is perfect. So sorry about the baby deer. :(
And I would NEVER have thought to put lights in the bathroom! :)
I love your decorated bathroom! You have a lovely home, thank you for inviting me over. Merry Christmas.
Cute nativity!!! And I love all the lights.
Merry Christmas.
So fun to tour your home, and love how you presented it! Love the lights in the bathroom. (I just have Christmas candles.)
And thank you for your honesty...I strategically aimed my camera in a few rooms to avoid some messes, too!
I'm a homeschool mom, also! :) I have two little girls, 7 and 4.
This Christmas tour is such a great way to "meet" a few new people!
I'm going to bookmark you...:)
God bless!
Thank you so much for the tour! Your home is bright and cheerful! Blessings!
P.S. Thanks for letting us use the necessary - quite needed!
Your home is sooo pretty! Your livingroom is very cozy and I love your woodstove and the rocking chair right by it.
Your Christmas village looks beautiful all lit up! Thank you for the tour and Merry Christmas!
Thanks for the tour!
I think I'll start calling our tree "permanent" now - I like that much better!
~Merry Christmas from Karen at www.firstbrookfive.typepad.com
Everything looks wonderful. Thank you for inviting us in! Merry Christmas!
Everything is lovely! I love the welcome sign especially. And thanks for the restroom break -- that was thoughtful!
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