Wednesday, May 23, 2012

What baby bump?

These pictures were taken on April 26, 2012 at 33 weeks and 5 days.  I'm 37 weeks and 4 days now.  You'll just have to imagine what the last four weeks have done to my belly!! :)


Jenni said...

Hi, my name is Jenni Burns, I follow Kim Coghlan's blog and saw your comment that you are 37 weeks 4 days pregnant, so am I! Due June 9th, with number 7, my oldest is 9, on down to almost 2. Great to "meet" you! Blessings in your last couple of weeks of pregnancy!!

Jenni said...

Oh yeah I was going to leave a link to my blog :)

Cindee said...

I remember you. You had a really bad house fire several years ago, right? Looks like your family is doing really well now. Congratulations on your newest addition-to-be!! :)