It's always been easiest for me to trim my babies' fingernails (and toenails) while I am nursing them. I just make sure that their heads are propped up sufficiently using a boppy or a pillow (or the arm of a big recliner) and I trim away while they are busy nursing. While I'm trimming I usually say "It's your job to be very still and mommy's job to be very careful". After I do it this way for about a year I don't have trouble trimming their nails even if I'm not nursing them at the same time. When they start talking they can even say the instructions along with me. I've done this with all four of my babies and I haven't drawn blood yet. ( I hope I haven't jinxed myself!)

Check out other tips at Shannon's blog,
Rocks In My Dryer.
Yes - clipping while nursing has worked for me too. My question is - - how do you wrestle a 21-month old to stay still and get their nails trimmed?! I've only been able to do 1 nail a day on one of our girls ... and by the time I get through all her fingers, it's time to start over again!!!
For my other two, they'll sit still during Baby Einstein, but not my smallest. She is ALWAYS on the go. I'd almost be willing to start nursing again so I could get her nails clipped!
Great tip, but I didn't nurse! :) I would trim my sons nails after he'd finished his bottle and fallen asleep in my arms, just before putting him to bed. He'd sleep right through a nail trim.
Now that he's 18 months, it's a bit more of a challenge. I've even tried doing it during a Baby Einstein video, which he'll sit and watch, but the minute I touch his feet to do his toenails, he'll squirm. Any other suggestions anyone?
I've posted a WFMW tip as well. Stop by and take a peek. :)
Sadly, I have drawn blood. I didn't realize it unti we were out walking and I noticed blood spots all over both of us! (he was in the sling). And of course we were in the process of moving so all my bandaids were packed, so I showed up at the neighbors house looking like an abusive mother begging for bandaids.
Thanks for the tip!
I did the trimming while nursing as well, but somehow when I stopped nursing it didn't work too well. Maybe I'll have better luck with the next one!
Great tip! I know it sounds gross, but our doctor said when they were really little to just chew off their fingernails while they are nursing. They are so tiny and the nails are so thin, that it prevents you from drawing blood. I don't know if it is the most sterile option, but I did that for awhile.
I tried biting the nails down but it seemed like it took so much longer so I went back to using the clippers. Basically, I say whatever works...do it!
As for keeping a 21-month old still? No clue. By that age mine knew the drill and didn't give much resistance. If they did get antsy, I'd put it off until another time when they were just out of the bath, nails soft, and feeling a bit tired. Then I try again.
I'll probably have all the troubles with this fourth one that I never encountered with the first three. That sems to be my luck this time around. She's really thrown us through a loop!
What a great idea! mine are older now and they fight like the dickens to get away from mom with the fingernail clippers.
How sweet! What a good mama you are!
I used to do it while nursing, now it's just a nightmare - I actually posted about it here.
That works for me too...except sorry to say I've drawn blood twice...on the same baby! Oops! Although, he's tough and didn't cry. I didn't even know I had done it until I found blood on his onesie later (yeah I freaked out) and realized it was from his finger!
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