- Finishing up school. Micah is done with his work for this year and Rebecca has about 4-5 days left. Woo-hoo!
- Boise Bible College Spring Conference. We got to hear Dr. Ajai (ah-jay) Lall from the Central India Christian Mission speak all three nights of the Conference as well as hear him preach today at our church service. My friend, Scott Riggan, led worship each night. I got to see several people from Bible college days as well as see some people from back home in Oregon. It was a great week and my kids had a remarkable time too. Micah was wishing that the conference would last longer and Adam is still talking about going to the "Bible college"! It's so funny to hear a 3-year-old say Bible college. :-) Oh, and it was quite a trip seeing my son, Micah running around making fast friends with the son of a guy I went to school with who is now PROFESSOR Whittaker! Yikes.
- Jim got our garden area tilled up Saturday, (YEA, honey!) and I got my garden planted. This is my first garden in a couple of years. The garden area was looking pretty sad until yesterday. I planted:
- 2 tomatoes
- 2 green peppers
- 2 cucumbers
- 1 zucchini
- 3 pumpkins
- 1 parsley
- 1 lettuce (The parsley and lettuce is for the benefit of our newest family member.)
- a row of carrots
- 2 rows of sweet onions
- 2 rows of potatoes (I do live in Idaho!)
- a second row of peas (the first row was planted about 6 weeks ago)
- We got the house cleaned up and had my in-laws over Saturday evening for hot dogs and other picnic fare. We enjoyed the very pleasant weather and the kids played in the newly tilled dirt. After that it was baths for the kids and bedtime for us all.
All in all it was a very busy, but productive week of breaking up fallow ground and planting seeds that will bring forth a harvest both temporal and eternal. I hope you have a great week.
I clicked on the conference link and was surprised to see George Powell's face and name. When I was a teen we went to help Abundant Life's church plant. Small world!
How fun! I love "Small World" moments.
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