Wednesday, July 02, 2008

Whaddya think?

My due date is 5 1/2 weeks away. Don't you think this baby looks "done" now? I feel pretty done... I guess we'll just have to wait and see!


Anonymous said...

Oh my stars! That baby is cute! Looks like Micah, I think. What an amazing ultrasound. I wish I can do a 3D one, looks neat.

Donna said...

Awwwww!!! So cute! I would have loved to have one of these "new-fangled" 3-D Ultrasounds! Especially with the triplets...can you imagine that picture? lol! Blessings on a quick, easy, and soon delivery!

Roberta said...

Wow! What amazing ultrasound pictures. I hadn't actually seen any like this yet. Beautiful! Forgive my short memory, but did you say whether or not you know the gender of the baby?

Cindee said...

I don't know the gender of the baby. I like to wait 'til the end to find out! :-)