Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Teething at 3 am

I'm very tired today. Monday night, Abby was up from about 1:30 am to 4 am maybe longer, I can't remember anymore. Last night was a little better but I'm still waaay short on sleep. I couldn't figure out what was wrong with her. She was still screaming after I nursed her. Hungry for solid food? Here's cheese cubes and pears. She ate it. Still crying. Gas? Here's gas drops. Still crying. How about Tylenol? Here it is. She finally went back to sleep around 4 am or so. I don't really know what worked since I did so many different things. Perhaps it was just sheer exhaustion! Yesterday I determined that she is probably getting a new tooth. She has a big lump on the top gum behind the other teeth she has, so.... it's just so hard when babies can't tell you what's wrong. I hate the guessing game. So last night we kept her dosed up on Tylenol and the night went much better. I'm still tired tho'. It's hard to be patient with my kids when I'm this tired. I know it's a choice though, so please pray that I'll be making good ones today!


Anonymous said...

I understand. Little King had surgery this week and, well let's just say my days have been long. Is she getting her one year molars in? I know that right before the surgery I took him to the doc thinking he was sick and he was teething. He's got like 4 teeth coming i n at once...

Cindee said...

I believe it's her cuspids or canines. She already has four teeth on the top and I think the cuspids are slated to erupt next. She's so much happier with the Tylenol now! I sure hope your son is feeling better very quickly. Four teeth at once can't be helping! :-(

El Shaddai Ranch said...

I found your blog from Spunky's blogroll-just a tip (I'm sure you already know if you have 4 kids)...but...I've found those Teething Tablets from Hyland's are the BEST. I've had easy teethers and cranky ones - these little all-natural thingys are the best.

Anonymous said...

Um, I don't recall leaving that comment. BUT ANYWAY, uh my Little King only has 6 teeth and he's 18 mo old... I think Abby already has him beat.