IF you have a Shopko in your area, this may work for you as well. My son wears the knees out of his jeans SO quickly. Thankfully Shopko has this Kid Tough Promise:
Are you the parent of one of those youngsters who always seems to be comingI take advantage of this deal several times throughout the year. I buy about 3 pairs of jeans for him in the fall and just replace them as needed. At first I felt like I was being sneaky and doing something that I shouldn't because it was SUCH A GREAT DEAL. But I'm over that now and very thankful to the mom of 3 boys that told me about Shopko's Kid Tough Promise.
home with jeans ripped at the knee? No problem if you purchased those trousers
at ShopKo! We have a Kid Tough Promise! Any garment you buy at ShopKo will last until your child outgrows it, or we’ll replace it! (Same item. Same size.) Now
that’s a promise that will make any parent smile!
Go over to Shannon's at Rocks in My Dryer for more helpful hints.
I don't have a Shopko around here but hopefully I will wherever I decide to build my house after I have children! Thanks for sharing the tip =)
What a great idea!
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